Penggunaan Ko-Kultur Sel Tuba Fallopii dan Folikel Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Genetis Terhadap Maturasi Oosit Sapi Lokal Secara In Vitro
The Use of Fallopian Tube and Follicle Cultures to Improve the Genetic Quality of Local Cattle on Oosit Maturation in Vitro
Ferry Lismanto Syaiful
Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Andalas
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The aim of the study was to determine the use of Fallopian tubular cell co-culture and follicular cells on local cattle oocyte maturation in vitro in TCM-199 medium. The material used in the study was oocytes from cow ovaries that had been cut from slaughterhouses (RPH). Physiological NaCl 0.9%, PBS, TCM-199, 10% beef serum, gentamicin 50 µg / ml, FSH, trypsin, mineral oil, streptomicyn-pennicillin, aceto orcein, aquabides, 70% alcohol, and aquades. Cell co-culture materials used are Fallopian tube cells, isthmus cells, ampulla cells and follicular cells. While the tools used are pasteur pipettes, millipore 0.22 µm filters, petri dishes Ф35 and Ф60 mm, Nikon brand microscopes, CO2 incubators, refrigenerators,
analytic scales, ovens, laminar flow, ovarian collections, CO2 gas tubes, bunsen and centrifuges. Analysis of the level of progesterone hormone was carried out using the ELISA method. The results of the study showed that the use of cell co-culture in TCM-199 medium for bovine oocyte maturation in vitro were: P0, P1, P2, P3 and P4 (62.33; 69.00; 68.00; 67.67; 66, 00). It can be concluded fro the study that the use of Fallopian and follicular tubular cell co-culture in TCM-199 medium does not increase the percentage of local bovine oocyte maturation in vitro.
Keywords: fallopian tube cells, follicles, progesterone, oocyte maturation, and in vitro
Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui penggunaan ko-kultur sel tuba Fallopii dan sel folikel terhadap maturasi oosit sapi lokal in vitro dalam medium TCM-199. Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah oosit dari ovarium sapi yang telah dipotong dari Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH). NaCl Fisiologis 0,9%, PBS, TCM-199, serum sapi 10%, gentamisin 50 µg/ml, FSH,tripsin, mineral oil, streptomicyn-pennicillin, aceto orcein, aquabides, alkohol 70%, dan aquades. Bahan ko-kultur sel yang digunakan adalah sel tuba Fallopii, sel isthmus, sel ampula dan sel folikel. Sedangkan alat yang digunakan adalah pipet pasteur, filter millipore 0,22 µm, cawan petri Ф35 dan Ф60 mm, mikroskop merk Nikon, inkubator CO2, refrigenerator, timbangan analitik, oven, laminar flow, koleksi ovarium, tabung gas CO2, bunsen dan sentrifuse. Analisa kadar hormon progesteron dilakukan menggunakan metode ELISA. Hasil penelilitian diperoleh menunjukkan penggunaan ko-kultur sel dalam medium TCM-199 terhadap maturasi oosit sapi in vitro yaitu: P0, P1, P2, P3 dan P4 (62,33;69,00;68,00;67,67; 66,00). Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan ko-kultur sel tuba Fallopii dan folikel dalam medium TCM-199 tidak meningkatkan persentase maturasi oosit sapi lokalin vitro.
Kata Kunci : sel tuba fallopi, folikel, maturasi oosit, dan in vitro
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